A web site is one of the most inexpensive forms of advertising that any business can employ. However, web sites do not advertise themselves. You must first make your customers aware that you have a web site. Always include your web site address on your advertising flyers, business cards, and newspaper or other media ads. Added to your existing advertising, a web site can offer numerous additional features not available from conventional advertising.
Your website will give your customers information about your business hours, phone numbers, fax numbers, costs, what services/products you do offer and ones you don’t, special promotions, company information, and much, much, more!
- Product or service listings can be posted once, and will need no further attention, and no per-insertion charges.
- Product specifications and feature comparisons can help your customers decide which of your products is right for them.
- A map to your facility and a photograph of the building can help bring visitors to your door.
- A web site can provide application information about how various products can be used, or how your company’s services can benefit the customer.
- A customer information request form can be provided to allow visitors to direct queries from the web to your email account.